ASSALAMUALAIKUM! Entry kalini pula, i nak cerita maore to about being a typical malaysian student. ( because i think i am the one who are having a typical life of being a student, ngehhh) So, i started with tadika at the the age of 5 (lambat en, sbb budak sekarang start umur 4 en) until 6 at TADIKA SOLEHIN (tak silap la, area taman permata).I spent my childhood memories with typical deeds of an innocent girl macam conteng dinding kelas XD, ada ke budak buat centu lol. Then, i went to primary school - SK TAMAN MELAWATI 2. I started from the first class in standard 1, and then turun ke kelas ke3. but wtv, budak lagi kot. dgn muka selebet, hidung berhingus(uhuks soz) . On standard 4, i made a team and acah musuh dgn bdk laki. tau tak yang satu bahagian kelas kat depan budak lelaki , blkg kelas budak perempuan. each and every one f us was staring to each other and menyampah.. sbb boys always gonna be boys....
Hi Assalamualaikum.Dalilah's here.Nothing to share but i just did it. ENJOY!